For example, the operator such as ‘>’ can be overloaded as a stream extraction operator for the appropriate istream. We, however, can leverage the mechanism of operator overloading to actually work with the input and output of objects of user defined types. In C++, the traditional object-oriented style of input and output operates on the fundamental types rather than objects. Serialization application examples includes methods such as: serializing data for transfer across wires and networks (messaging).storing data (in databases, on hard disk drives).remote procedure calls, e.g., as in SOAP. Apart from object persistence, this mechanism is particularly useful in transmitting object information in serialized form, say, to the server which, on receiving it, can deserialize and create the object format which is its original form. If this is already confusing you, consider visiting the TechRepublic Academy! There are dozens of classes on C++ from beginner, to experienced. Serialization is executed by Common Language Runtime (CLR) to save an object‘s current state information to a temporary (like ASP. The reverse of serialization is called deserialization, where the data in the byte stream is used to reconstruct it to. Serialization is the process of converting the state information of an object instance into a binary or textual form to persist into storage medium or transported over a network. The byte stream, once created, also can be streamed across a communication link to a remote receiving end. The reverse of serialization is called deserialization, where the data in the byte stream is used to reconstruct it to its original object form. Serialization is a mechanism to convert an object into a sequence of bytes so that it can be stored in memory. Serialization is a mechanism to convert an object into a sequence of bytes so that it can be stored in memory. Java Serialization - This Java tutorial covers basic to advanced concepts related to Java Programming including What is Java, Java Environment Setup. The term 'marshal' is considered to be synonymous with 'serialize' in the Python standard library1, but the terms are not synonymous in the Java-related RFC 2713.

Object Serialization with the Boost C++ Library to make a book or story into a number of television or radio shows or publish it in a newspaper or a magazine in parts: The novel was serialized on TV back in the 1990s. From the Marshalling (computer science) Wikipedia article.